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Valentine’s special – how to woo new clients


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Freelancers and sole proprietors – you have so much on your plate.

As well as delivering your products, or services, on time, there’s all the admin.

Those invoices to send, the books to balance, your insurance to update, and client relationships to maintain.

And somewhere in that list, you’re meant to find time for marketing, too.

When you work on your own, there’s no-one to bounce ideas off. So this Valentine’s, we thought we’d help out. Here are 5 ways for freelancers to woo new clients:

5 ways for freelancers to woo new clients:

1. Give something away

Everyone loves getting something for free.

Giveaways don’t have to bankrupt you, though. They can be something simple and small, like a calendar with your company name on it.

If it’s put it up on a wall. Or in front of them on their desk, your calendar’s a constant reminder of you and your services. For existing clients and potential customers alike.

2. Run a special

Small business owners and freelancers are often wary of running specials.

But unless it’s a ‘buy one, get one’ deal, you’re really not going to lose too much money.

Offering 10% off a first order is a great way to persuade a potential new customer to try you out. And it could lead to more, full-price business in the future.

3. Get involved

Social media’s a powerful marketing tool. Just do remember, it’s meant to be a soft sell.

The idea is to get involved with your customers. Engage with them. Make them feel you truly care about their needs and interests.

Do it well enough and they’ll pass your name along to others who might be looking for the services, or product, you offer.

4. Direct mail campaigns

With online marketing on the rise, fewer and fewer companies now use direct mail as a sales tool.

That’s great news for you.

If there’s less competition, when your postcards or flyers land in a new customer’s mailbox, they stand much more of a chance of being read.

5. Stand out from the crowd

Nothing’s grabs attention like being unique.

But the trick’s to be unique in a way that’s still professional. And in keeping with your line of business.

Standing on a sidewalk dressed as a fountain pen to promote your freelance writing business, for example. It’s sure to draw attention. But probably not the kind of attention you want when you’re trying give the impression you’re a serious professional.

Instead, how about sending a flyer listing your writing services and rates, along with a complimentary fountain pen?

It’s something a bit different in these digital days. So you stand out, but still give the right impression.

Make the pennies count

Whether you use one, or all, of these marketing ideas, it’s a complete waste of time if you’re not targeting the right kind of clients

Your marketing budget is most likely limited. So make every penny count.

Take some time to establish your goals. “I need to get new clients,” isn’t enough.

Define the kind of clients you want to get. Then make sure the techniques you use are right for that specific niche.

Seal the deal

And finally, know what you’re going to do once you get your foot in the door.

It’s often all too easy to push a client away, instead of sealing the deal.

Be courteous, thoughtful, and respectful. Take time to answer questions so the client’s confident you’re the right person for the job.

Happy Valentine’s Day. Time to get out there and get courting!

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